A perfect bouquet for any occasion, this round yellow-pink bouquet contains 14 Margarita Daisies combined with 10 mini Daisies. Daisies are a symbol of innocence and purity, which is why they're often given at weddings or as appreciation gifts. We'll deliver your bouquet to you fresh and blooming with the utmost care.
Size: Diameter 50 cm & Height 45 cm
Round bouquet of Daisies
Delivery Fees
· City of Zurich CHF 20.00
· Outside Zurich CHF 40.00
Deliveries per postal service,
the price includes packaging and express delivery fee· Deliveries abroad are not available.
Any questions? Give us a call, we will be happy to help.Delivery Times
· Please be reminded that the deadline for orders for following day is 17.00 from Monday to Friday.
· The earliest delivery for orders received during Saturday and Sunday is following Monday.
· Based on legal regulations, we do not deliver on Sundays or
special holidays (exceptions may apply).Hospital Deliveries
Many hospitals have special restrictions regarding flower deliveries. As a rule, only flower bouquets are accepted, no arrangements with earth or oasis. If you have chosen such, we will change it to a bouquet of corresponding colour and size.Funerals
Always contact us personally, otherwise, we decline all responsibility.
Changes, Cancellations, Multiple Deliveries
Any cost occurred will be invoiced to you.